Could a small step for fourteen experts become a giant leap for Men United?

I watched the new Star Wars trailer the other day and it got me thinking that science fiction is getting ever closer to reality. Maybe not Wookies or lightsabers (much to every little boy’s – or even grown man’s – disappointment). But back when Star Wars was first released who could have imagined that today NASA would be getting ready to send people to Mars in the next 15 years or so? Continue reading

Behind the numbers: getting statistics right for men with prostate cancer

Guest blogger Amy Dyer, Research Analyst at Prostate Cancer UK

Amy Dyer, Research Analyst


Our guest blogger this month is Amy Dyer, a Research Analyst in our Evidence team. Recently, we’ve been talking a lot about how important it is for men to know their risk of prostate cancer. And we’ve been quoting lots of statistics like one in eight men will get prostate cancer. But what do these numbers mean? Amy shines a light on the world of risk and some of the figures we use.

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